Flowable Fill for Back filling

Concrete Brief

Reli-a-Fill is delivered on a mixer truck and has similar ingredients to concrete, but it isn’t concrete. Instead, the cement, sand, water and fly ash combine to create a sturdy substitute for traditional fill that is also sometimes called controlled low-strength material (CLSM). Because it flows into place, flowable fill requires no compaction. Its viscosity and strength can be altered to meet the needs of any backfill projects, and its fluidity allows it to flow long distances to even the hardest to reach places. But that’s not all it can do…

Cut Costs
Because it flows into place, flowable fill reduces the cost of manpower and equipment. While traditional compacted fill requires two laborers for placement and two laborers for compaction, flowable fill requires only one laborer for placement and no compaction. Labor and equipment costs for granular fill are 600% more expensive than that of flowable fill. Using flowable fill also eliminates the need for conventional backfilling equipment such as compactors and backhoes.

Sample Labor Cost Comparison:

  Granular Backfill  Flowable Fill 
Placement (2 laborers @ 35.09*)  $70.18 $35.09 
Compaction (2 laborers @ 35.09*) $70.18 n/a 
Heavy Equipment Operator $45.82* n/a 
 Hand Compactor $15.00* n/a 
Backhoe $25.00* n/a 
 Total labor/hour  $226.18 $35.09

84% labor cost savings!!! 
* National Industry Average including overhead costs

Simplify Construction

In addition to cutting costs, flowable fill will help you avoid the headaches caused by traditional backfill materials while speeding up construction: 
  • Because it flows into place, flowable fill eliminates the difficulty of properly compacting material under and around pipes.
  • Flowable fill has controllable set times and allows the job to be completed faster. 
  • It can be placed underwater, so in some cases trenches that contain water or moisture may not have to be pumped before flowable fill is installed. 
  • Flowable fill eliminates the site crowding that comes with storing backfill materials on-site.
  • It can be color-coded for utility identification.
  • When the time comes to remove entrenched pipes or utility lines, some flowable fill mixes can be excavated with a shovel or pick.
  • It is easily conveyed by pump, chutes or buckets.Regardless of temperatures and environmental conditions, flowable fill can be designed to accommodate construction needs. Specific requirements for set time should be discuss when ordering Reli-a-Fill.