Date: April 3, 2017

News - Bill Childs Honored With Top Two Industry Awards  

Bill Childs Building Promoter of the Year

Bill Childs, CEO of Chaney Enterprises, was recently recognized by the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) with two of the industry’s top awards - - the NRMCA “Chairman’s Award” for “extraordinary dedication and service” to the association, and the national “Building Promoter of the Year” award for outstanding contributions in support of low to mid-rise concrete buildings.

The awards were presented during separate ceremonies at the NRMCA Annual Convention in Las Vegas earlier this month.

For the Chairman’s Award, Childs was recognized for his lifelong dedication to the ready mix industry. In receiving the award, he was praised for presiding over a successful ready mix and concrete materials company and also for his involvement with NRMCA, having served on the Board of Directors for the first time in 2002 and now having participated in every committee of the association, including joining the NRMCA Executive Committee in 2007.

During the economic downturn in 2008, Childs was instrumental in helping the association move into promotion for local paving. When the Ready Mixed Concrete Research & Education Foundation entered into its agreement as part of the MIT Concrete Sustainability Hub in 2009, he became a trustee of the foundation and a member of the original group of the MIT Industry Advisory Group helping to guide the work at the CSHub which he continues to this date.

For the Building Promoter of the Year Award, Childs was recognized for helping to advance the industry through his leadership on the boards and committees of many organizations, including serving as 2013 NRMCA chairman when he spearheaded a number of high profile promotional activities. He was involved from the start in helping shape the acclaimed “Build with Strength” program by providing direction and inspiration for NRMCA to better educate the design/build and code communities about the benefits of concrete construction in the low to mid-rise sector. 

He is credited with leveraging a relationship with a large multifamily developer to bring a 446,000-square-foot project to NRMCA’s Concrete Design Center that was able to demonstrate a $2.1 million savings by switching the project from stick framing to more efficient Insulated Concrete Forms.

Regionally, he was instrumental in local legislation that seeks to limit dangerous light-weight combustible wood construction in low to mid-rise residential buildings.

In addition to his involvement with NRMCA, Childs also serves on the Board of Directors of the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association; is chairman of the Maryland Transportation Builders & Materials Association; and is Immediate Past Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the Ready Mixed Concrete Research & Education Foundation.

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