Date: December 4, 2013

News - Bioretention Materials Increasing Role in Stormwater Management

Bioretention materials are moving to the forefront as an effective, and popular, storm water management tool because of their ability to remove nutrients and other types of pollutants.

Storm water gathers nutrients, sediment and chemical contaminants as it flows across roads, yards, farms, golf courses, parking lots, and construction sites. This polluted runoff travels into storm drains and local waterways that eventually drain into the Chesapeake Bay, threatening its inhabitants and plant life.

Bioretention materials have become the preferred storm water management method because they contain six highly effective pollutant removal mechanisms, including:

     1.    Absorption to soil particles: filters out dissolved metals and soluble phosphorus.

     2.    Plant uptake: eliminates small amounts of nutrients.

     3.    Microbial processes: takes out organics and pathogens.

     4.    Infiltration of runoff: provides flood control, groundwater recharge, and nutrient removal.

     5.    Exposure to sunlight and dryness: eradicates pathogens.

     6.    Sedimentation and filtration: removes total suspended solids, floating debris, trash and soil bound phosphorus and pathogens.

The two most popular bioretention materials specifications in the State of Maryland are SHA specification 920.02 and MDE specification B.4.1. The popularity of each specification is due to its high infiltration rate, which increases longevity, promotes stable plant growth, and reduces maintenance callbacks.

Chaney Enterprises has both specifications in stock and ready for pickup. Call (888) 244-0411 today!


Bioretention Materials Increasing Role in Stormwater Management

Other news articles from December 2013