Date: December 4, 2007

News - Loiderman Soltesz Associates, Inc. received the Maryland National Capital Building Industry Association’s 2007 Environmental Award

Loiderman Soltesz Associates, Inc. received the Maryland National Capital Building Industry Association’s 2007 Environmental Award. The Gardiner Road Bridge, designed by Loiderman Soltesz Associates, Inc., was created as a haul road to transport sand and gravel to protect environmentally sensitive areas. Chaney Enterprises provided the concrete and construction materials for the construction of this project. The concern of building the bridge was the impact to the wetlands. A 42’ bridge span atop concrete abutments was installed to completely span the natural stream bed, thereby maintaining stream flow and allowing natural vegetation and wildlife grow. The high elevation of the bridge eliminates flooding and reduces roadway particles to be washed off into the stream. Permanent impact to the stream was reduced to 1,252 and 3,141 wetland buffer impact due to the creative design of the bridge. Designing of the bridge shows ingenuity and commitment to responsible resource stewardship while preserving the integrity of the Zekiah Swamp wetlands as well as an important natural greenway for the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

Other news articles from December 2007