Date: February 6, 2002

News - Chaney Enterprises is Recognized for Increasing Quality of Maryland State Highway System

Chaney Enterprises’ efforts to lead the construction materials supply industry in the areas of product quality, adherence to and cooperation with state regulations, environmental responsibility, safety, operational efficiency, and on-time delivery, has brought them positive recognition from the Maryland State Highway Association (SHA). Through SHA’s efforts to improve the quality of Maryland state highways, they have honored Chaney Enterprises’ Concrete Plant, located in Hollywood, Maryland, with the title “Maryland Quality Initiative Concrete Plant Production Facility of the Year 2001.”
In the early 1990's, Maryland's State Highway Administration (SHA) recognized the need to address quality at all levels and areas of the highway community. In an effort to fulfill this need, they created a program called the Maryland Quality Initiative, which is a cooperative effort by Maryland's highway industry to dedicate all parties in the continuous quality improvement of the planning, design, construction, and maintenance of Maryland's highway system. As a part of their efforts, they have created the Concrete Plant Product Facility of the Year Award to highlight the efforts of organizations that help them accomplish their ultimate goal of creating quality highway systems.

Chaney Enterprises’ Hollywood Concrete Plant received this high honor for their exemplary performance in the combined areas of product quality, adherence to and cooperation with state regulations, environmental friendliness, safety, operational efficiency, and service ability. The meticulous testing for this award rated Chaney Enterprises’ on how well they follow state regulations and specifications; the quality of the finished job in which the material was placed; how well they work with SHA; how well their plant is managed on a daily basis; the safety programs they have instated; and the number of shut downs or suspensions during the year.

It is Chaney Enterprises’ understanding of the importance of these core areas to their customers, employees, industry, and communities in which they do business that keep them striving for perfection. The opportunities that arise from perfection in these areas bring forth the ability to provide superior service, superior quality products, and outstanding people to meet the increasing demands of their customers.


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